TOEFL iBT テスト必修フレーズ①

プレイ回数7424難易度(4.2) 528打 英語 英字
タグ英語 TOEFL
TOEFL iBT テスト必修フレーズ100①主張を述べる
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 ku 6761 S++ 6.8 98.8% 77.2 528 6 10 2024/11/17
2 不動遊星 3476 D 3.7 94.1% 142.4 528 33 10 2024/12/26
3 すーぱーほーぷ 1617 G++ 1.8 89.9% 289.9 528 59 10 2024/11/27



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I like cooking for the following reasons.)

I like cooking for the following reasons.

(I think playing sports is a good way to make friends.)

I think playing sports is a good way to make friends.

(I am happy about the news.)

I am happy about the news.

(I prefer seeing movies over the other two choices.)

I prefer seeing movies over the other two choices.

(I agree with the statement that money is more important than anything else.)

I agree with the statement that money is more important than anything else.

(In my opinion, fairness is the most important characteristic for a good leader.)

In my opinion, fairness is the most important characteristic for a good leader.

(Friends can be the best form of entertainment.)

Friends can be the best form of entertainment.

(Though some people may disagree, I believe freedom is the most important thing.)

Though some people may disagree, I believe freedom is the most important thing.

(I always enjoy learning new things.)

I always enjoy learning new things.

(My first priority is earning a lot of money.)

My first priority is earning a lot of money.



タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問

