
プレイ回数314難易度(4.5) 853打 英語 英字



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(I personally prefer visiting my friends' house for the following reasons.)

I personally prefer visiting my friends' house for the following reasons.

(I think participating in a discussion is a better way to understand what you have learned in the lecture.)

I think participating in a discussion is a better way to understand what you have learned in the lecture.

(The male student is not happy about the announcement of a tuition increase.)

The male student is not happy about the announcement of a tuition increase.

(I prefer bicycles over the other two choices. First, they are free and riding them can be a good exercise.)

I prefer bicycles over the other two choices. First, they are free and riding them can be a good exercise.

(The male student disagree with the opinion presented in the school newspaper. )

The male student disagree with the opinion presented in the school newspaper.

(In my opinion, fairness is the most critical characteristic for a good leader.)

In my opinion, fairness is the most critical characteristic for a good leader.

(Interacting with local people can be the one of the best ways to understand a different culture.)

Interacting with local people can be the one of the best ways to understand a different culture.

(Though some people might disagree, I believe freedom is the most important thing.)

Though some people might disagree, I believe freedom is the most important thing.

(I always enjoy reading novels on my commute to the office.)

I always enjoy reading novels on my commute to the office.

(My first priority is spending time with my family, therefore, I like to have a job with a relaxed time.)

My first priority is spending time with my family, therefore, I like to have a job with a relaxed time.


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