Invitation to Freedom

プレイ回数5.5万短文1打 -
プレイ回数1.1万209打 -
1%の確率で何かが出るよ ニワトリに乗ったゾンビが出たらレア!
プレイ回数23万短文930打 -
プレイ回数230短文481打 -
プレイ回数6.9万短文6打 -
(Let's get real What's your deal?)
Let's get real What's your deal?
現実を見なよ どうしちゃったんだい?
(D'you still believe you Will ever be able to take us down?)
D'you still believe you Will ever be able to take us down?
いまだに信じてるのか? 俺たちを倒せると
(Three letters on the wall L-O-L, You have lost again...)
Three letters on the wall L-O-L, You have lost again...
壁にはたった3文字「大爆笑」だってよ またお前の負けさ...
(Don't take it too hard)
Don't take it too hard
(No surprise After all, you chose the wrong rival)
No surprise After all, you chose the wrong rival
別に驚くようなことでもない 結局、相手が悪かったってだけさ
(We are more than some bored teenagers, yeah)
We are more than some bored teenagers, yeah
(Bad luck, underestimating us was your worst choice)
Bad luck, underestimating us was your worst choice
運が悪かったな 俺たちを過小評価したのがお前の最大のミスさ
(Don't sweat it, grownups Fakers!)
Don't sweat it, grownups Fakers!
(You have no chance, no)
You have no chance, no
(We'll be through with you before you know it Too bad, right?)
We'll be through with you before you know it Too bad, right?
(We came to take every heart Your's included, don't worry)
We came to take every heart Your's included, don't worry
歪んだ心は全て頂戴する 心配するなって お前もターゲットだ
(This is WAR Society!)
This is WAR Society!
これは「戦い」なんだ 見とけよ、歪んだ社会め!
(We'll keep on fighting)
We'll keep on fighting
(How about looking at things from a new perspective?)
How about looking at things from a new perspective?
(Ain't no superhero around to save the world forever...)
Ain't no superhero around to save the world forever...
(This job's up to us, yeah!)
This job's up to us, yeah!
(Time to ask Did you get a grip on the truth?)
Time to ask Did you get a grip on the truth?
さて聞いておこうか 真実を把握したか?
(We are here to bring change to our world)
We are here to bring change to our world
俺たちはここにいる 世界を変えるために
(Take a side, make it right)
Take a side, make it right
(Or get out of the way right NOW!)
Or get out of the way right NOW!
(You cannot stop us!)
You cannot stop us!
(How many times did you Look away that someone Cried for help?)
How many times did you Look away that someone Cried for help?
いったい何回、見捨ててたんだ? 助けを求めにきた人たちを
(Acting like you didn't know)
Acting like you didn't know
(We won't accept excuses without sincere actions)
We won't accept excuses without sincere actions
(Unmasking all you Traitors!)
Unmasking all you Traitors!
化けの皮を剥がしてやろう 裏切り者どもめ!
(Don't let this world down)
Don't let this world down
(Say it, you want to change, too So why suppress it, huh?)
Say it, you want to change, too So why suppress it, huh?
お前も世界を変えたいのだろう? なら、なぜそうしない?
(Why hesitate when there is no rule Stopping you? Come on!)
Why hesitate when there is no rule Stopping you? Come on!
お前を止めるルールは何もないのになぜ躊躇する? さあ、動き出すんだ!
(No whining, all you Cowards!)
No whining, all you Cowards!
(Denying what is right)
Denying what is right
(It is just easier than to try something new, right?)
It is just easier than to try something new, right?
(This way of living has been oh so Comfy all this time)
This way of living has been oh so Comfy all this time
(Still that's no excuse, no!)
Still that's no excuse, no!
(Remember Every time that you Felt alone, nobody there to care)
Remember Every time that you Felt alone, nobody there to care
覚えておけ お前が孤独を感じたとしても 誰も気遣ってはくれない
(Let's make it better! Be different right now!)
Let's make it better! Be different right now!
そんなのは改善しよう! 今すぐに変えていけ!
(It is your chance to get up And welcome a New day!)
It is your chance to get up And welcome a New day!
さあ、目を覚ますチャンスだ そして迎え入れよう 新たな日を!
(Embrace the real you Face it,)
Embrace the real you Face it,
本当の自分を受け入れ 向き合ってみろ
(you are not like everybody else, right?)
you are not like everybody else, right?
(Time to stand up for yourself and all things dear to you)
Time to stand up for yourself and all things dear to you
立ち上がる時だ 自分と自分にとって大切なもののために
(Time to be a World Changer!)
Time to be a World Changer!
(What are you waiting for?)
What are you waiting for?
(Don't you turn around and give into old matters, stop!)
Don't you turn around and give into old matters, stop!
(You can become the change you've feared all this time Be yourself)
You can become the change you've feared all this time Be yourself
お前は今まで恐れていた変化を遂げられる 自分に素直になれ
(We are waiting for you!)
We are waiting for you!