Reach Out To The Truth

プレイ回数811難易度(3.9) 1790打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 REACH OUT TO THE TRUTH  作詞田中 怜子  作曲目黒 将司
ペルソナ4 通常戦闘曲
※このタイピングは「REACH OUT TO THE TRUTH」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Now I face out I hold out)

Now I face out I hold out

今立ち向かえ! 抗って見せろ!

(I reach out to the truth of my life)

I reach out to the truth of my life


(Seeking to seize on the whole moment, yeah)

Seeking to seize on the whole moment, yeah


(Yeah Naked truth lies only if you realize)

Yeah Naked truth lies only if you realize

そうさ むき出しの真実は気づけばいつもそこにある

(Appearing in nobody's eyes till they sterilize)

Appearing in nobody's eyes till they sterilize


(Stop the guerrilla warfare to keep it fair, Bro)

Stop the guerrilla warfare to keep it fair, Bro

ゲリラは止めだ フェアに行こうぜ

(Change your rage to a smarter greater cause)

Change your rage to a smarter greater cause

お前の怒りをスマートに 偉大な目標に変えちまえ

(You know the stake is high stardom is near)

You know the stake is high stardom is near


(Those who sympathized you die killers pass by)

Those who sympathized you die killers pass by

仲間は死んじまった 犯人はすぐ横を通ってるってのによ

(Do not waste your time in hating flirting guys)

Do not waste your time in hating flirting guys


(Use your might to AIs do justice them all)

Use your might to AIs do justice them all

力はそのために使うんだ やつらに正義を下すために

(Now I face out I hold out)

Now I face out I hold out

今立ち向かえ! 抗って見せろ!

(I reach out to the truth of my life)

I reach out to the truth of my life


(Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away)

Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away

現状を打破するために 為すべきことを為せ!

(Oh God let me out Can you let me out)

Oh God let me out Can you let me out

なぁ神様よ 俺を放してくれよ

(Can you set me free from this dark inner world)

Can you set me free from this dark inner world


(Save me now Last beat in the soul)

Save me now Last beat in the soul

俺に救いの手を この魂が足掻いている内に

(Yeah flooded apple pie)

Yeah flooded apple pie


(Left until somebody cries)

Left until somebody cries


(Goddamn always talking shizzle behind man get left behind)

Goddamn always talking shizzle behind man get left behind


(Come on and quit that shizzle tell me what you really want)

Come on and quit that shizzle tell me what you really want

んなこたぁ止めにしてこっちに来な 本当にやりてぇ事を教えなよ

(Louder ladies I can feel nothing in the tone of your voice)

Louder ladies I can feel nothing in the tone of your voice

声のでけぇ姉ちゃんよ あんたの声の調子からは何も感じねぇ

(Closer it gets y'all know how everything reflects)

Closer it gets y'all know how everything reflects

近づけば 何もかもどうなってるかが分かっちまう

(Your soul and spirits lost pretends gets rejects)

Your soul and spirits lost pretends gets rejects


(Look man you are one who actually you detest)

Look man you are one who actually you detest

やつを見な お前が目を背けていた「自分自身」だ

(I guess they're good reasons why you can't see next)

I guess they're good reasons why you can't see next


(Now I face up, I make head)

Now I face up, I make head

もう目が醒めたぜ! ただ前へ進むんだ!

(I bleach out cock and bull of this globe)

I bleach out cock and bull of this globe


(Thinking and seeing on the whole moment Now It's on)

Thinking and seeing on the whole moment Now It's on


(Oh God It's enough Are you satisfied?)

Oh God It's enough Are you satisfied?


(It's already disgusting to dance with your palm)

It's already disgusting to dance with your palm


(Save me now, last beat in the soul)

Save me now, last beat in the soul

俺に救いの手を この魂が足掻いている内に

(Now I face out I hold out)

Now I face out I hold out

今立ち向かえ! 抗って見せろ!

(I reach out to the truth of my life)

I reach out to the truth of my life


(Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away)

Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away

現状を打破するために 為すべきことを為せ!

(Oh God let me out Can you let me out)

Oh God let me out Can you let me out

なぁ神様よ 俺を放してくれよ

(Can you set free from this dark inner world)

Can you set free from this dark inner world


(Save me now last beat in the soul)

Save me now last beat in the soul

俺に救いの手を この魂が足掻いている内に

(Now I face up, I make head)

Now I face up, I make head

もう目が醒めたぜ! ただ前へ進むんだ!

(I bleach out cock and bull of this globe)

I bleach out cock and bull of this globe


(Thinking and seeing on the whole moment Now It's on)

Thinking and seeing on the whole moment Now It's on


(Oh God It's enough Are you satisfied?)

Oh God It's enough Are you satisfied?


(It's already disgusting to dance with your palm)

It's already disgusting to dance with your palm


(Save me now, last beat in the soul)

Save me now, last beat in the soul

俺に救いの手を この魂が足掻いている内に



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971