
プレイ回数56難易度(1.0) 60秒 英語
466 I became aware of someone staring at me from across the aisle, so I turned around. But there was no one in sight.通路の向こうから、誰かが私をじっと見ているのに気付いたので振り向いた。
467 She screamed with horror as someone took hold of her arm.何者かに腕をつかまれ
468 Informed of her safety, he breathed a sigh of relief.彼女の無事を知らされて
469 The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition.危篤状態
470 At present, it's still uncertain whether it was done deliberately or by accident.
471 A deli caught fire and burned down, leaving a heap of ashes.灰の山を残して、全焼した
472 All of a sudden the fireworks warehouse exploded花火の、倉庫、商品保管所 が爆発 
473 A bomb went off in a thirty-story building, and more than fifty people were seriously wounded.30階建てのビル 重傷を負った
474 A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in Mediterranean without a trace.一隻の貨物船 何の痕跡も残さず
475 The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic.無謀な 南極探検中
476 The tragedy must be remembered so as not to be repeated.



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