プレイ回数127難易度(2.8) 1112打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 SWEET MEMORIES  松田 聖子  作詞松本 隆  作曲大村 雅朗
English New Version
14thシングル「SWEET MEMORIES」の英詩によるセルフカバー
英語詞:Mark Jordan
※このタイピングは「SWEET MEMORIES」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



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(i guess it’s the pain that)

I guess it's the pain that

(brings back those memories)

brings back those memories

(all of the ones that i)

All of the ones that I

(through were all dead and gone)

through were all dead and gone

(but then i guess that time has)

But then I guess that time has

(a hold of fall me dreams of you)

a hold of fall me dreams of you

(i can’t go back)

I can't go back

(until they’re through)

until they're through

(baby don’t ask me if i am happy)

Baby don't ask me if I am happy

(it’s such a funny game)

It's such a funny game

(it always ends in pain)

It always ends in pain

(and i’m no good at lies)

And I'm no good at lies

(i can’t take it i feel so alone)

I can't take it I feel so alone

(no other love can take your place)

No other love can take your place

(all of my memories)

All of my memories

(lost like a dreamer)

Lost like a dreamer

(beautiful rainbows)

Beautiful rainbows

(coming out after the rain)

Coming out after the rain

(all night long)

All night long

(your filled me up with)

Your filled me up with

(all of the kindness in your heart)

All of the kindness in your heart

(and all i have left are)

And all I have left are

(sweet memories)

sweet memories

(don’t kiss me baby)

Don't kiss me baby

(we can  never be)

We can never be

(so don’t add more than pain)

So don't add more than pain

(please don’t hut me again)

Please don't hut me again

(i have spent so many night thinking)

I have spent so many night thinking

(of you longing for your touch)

of you longing for your touch

(i have once loved you so much)

I have once loved you so much

(i guess i was too young)

I guess I was too young

(too young to know love)

Too young to know love

(too young to think that)

Too young to think that

(you would hurt me)

you would hurt me

(like the others you found)

like the others you found

(too young for rainbows)

Too young for rainbows

(all of my colors turned to rain)

All of my colors turned to rain

(and now i am left with)

And now I am left with

(sweet memorise)

sweet memorise

(all of my memories)

All of my memories

(lost like a dreamer)

Lost like a dreamer

(beautiful rainbows)

Beautiful rainbows

(coming out after the rain)

Coming out after the rain

(all night lone)

all night lone

(you filled me up with)

You filled me up with

(all of the kindness in your heart)

All of the kindness in your heart

(and all i have left are)

And all I have left are

(sweet memories)

sweet memories



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971