
プレイ回数195難易度(3.6) 1121打 長文 英字



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(the european central bank has)

The European Central Bank has

(decided to raise the amount of)

decided to raise the amount of

(the liquidity it will provide)

the liquidity it will provide

(to greek banks to help support)

to Greek banks to help support

(their need for the euro currency.)

their need for the euro currency.

(the decision came at the ecb’s)

The decision came at the ECB's

(board meeting at its headquarters)

board meeting at its headquarters

(in frankfurt, germany on thursday.)

in Frankfurt, Germany on Thursday.

(the lender will provide an)

The lender will provide an

(additional 900 million euros,)

additional 900 million euros,

(or around 977 million dollars,)

or around 977 million dollars,

(to greek banks. this follows)

to Greek banks. This follows

(the greek parliament having passed)

the Greek parliament having passed

(legislation related to structural)

legislation related to structural



(leading eurozone countries require)

Leading eurozone countries require

(the reforms to start talks on)

the reforms to start talks on

(a new bailout package for greece.)

a new bailout package for Greece.

(ecb president mario draghi told)

ECB President Mario Draghi told

(a news conference that the bank)

a news conference that the bank


(acted on the assumption that greece)

acted on the assumption that Greece

(will remain a member of)

will remain a member of

(the eurozone.)

the eurozone.

(draghi said that he believes the)

Draghi said that he believes the

(european union will provide)

European Union will provide

(a bridge loan to greece to allow)

a bridge loan to Greece to allow

(the nation to repay its debt to)

the nation to repay its debt to

(the ecb by the monday deadline.)

the ECB by the Monday deadline.

(greece has been implementing)

Greece has been implementing

(capital controls for more than)

capital controls for more than

(2 weeks. the measures, including)

2 weeks. The measures, including

(bank holidays and a money withdrawal)

bank holidays and a money withdrawal

(limit, have had an effect on)

limit, have had an effect on



(lives and corporate activities.)

lives and corporate activities.

(experts are interested in whether)

Experts are interested in whether

(the increased liquidity from the)

the increased liquidity from the

(ecb will lead to the reopening)

ECB will lead to the reopening

(of greek banks.)

of Greek banks.

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