
プレイ回数462難易度(3.5) 1171打 長文 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(invite officials, experts and)

invite officials, experts and

(academ from other asian countries)

academ from other Asian countries

(to discuss peacebuilding and)

to discuss peacebuilding and

(democratization in the region.)

democratization in the region.

(the high-level seminar on)

The High-Level Seminar on

(peacebuilding, national)

Peacebuilding, National

(reconciliation and democratization)

Reconciliation and Democratization

(in asia will be held at the united)

in Asia will be held at the United

(nations university in tokyo on)

Nations University in Tokyo on

(june 20th.)

June 20th.

(among the participants will be)

Among the participants will be

(former east timorese president)

former East Timorese President

(jose ramos-horta, who won the)

Jose Ramos-Horta, who won the

(nobel peace prize for his key)

Nobel Peace Prize for his key

(role in his country’s)

role in his country's

(independence movement from)

independence movement from



(sri lankan foreign minister)

Sri Lankan Foreign Minister

(mangala samaraweera will also)

Mangala Samaraweera will also

(attend the seminar. the country’s)

attend the seminar. The country's


(government forces regained)

government forces regained

(control of the north 6 years ago,)

control of the north 6 years ago,

(after more than 2 decades of civil)

after more than 2 decades of civil

(war with tamil insurgents.)

war with Tamil insurgents.

(they will explain how their)

They will explain how their

(countries achieved and)

countries achieved and

(maintained peace.)

maintained peace.

(japanese foreign minister)

Japanese Foreign Minister

(fumio kishida will deliver)

Fumio Kishida will deliver

(the keynote address. he plans)

the keynote address. He plans

(to express japan’s commitment to)

to express Japan's commitment to

(contributing to regional peace)

contributing to regional peace

(based on it experiences)

based on it experiences

(in supporting efforts to resolve)

in supporting efforts to resolve

(ethnic conflicts and improve)

ethnic conflicts and improve

(standards of living.)

standards of living.

(japan mediated talks between)

Japan mediated talks between

(philippine president benigno)

Philippine President Benigno

(aquino and the leader of the)

Aquino and the leader of the

(muslim rebel group moro islamic)

Muslim rebel group Moro Islamic

(liberation front in an effort to)

Liberation Front in an effort to

(end more than 4 decades of)

end more than 4 decades of

(conflict on mindanao island.)

conflict on Mindanao Island.

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