
プレイ回数1072難易度(3.7) 1271打 長文 英字



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(a recent british study has)

A recent British study has

(confirmed that long term changes)

confirmed that long term changes

(are occurring in the ice fields)

are occurring in the ice fields

(cove ring the antarctic,)

cove ring the Antarctic,

(threatening to raise sea levels)

threatening to raise sea levels

(around the globe. scientists)

around the globe. Scientists

(are concerned that these changes)

are concerned that these changes

(may have a severe effect on)

may have a severe effect on

(coastal regions of countries)

coastal regions of countries

(around the world.)

around the world.

(the study, which involved)

The study, which involved

(studying satellite data and)

studying satellite data and

(altitude measurements over a)

altitude measurements over a

(period of eight years,)

period of eight years,

(focused on a large ice stream)

focused on a large ice stream

(called the pine island glacier.)

called the Pine Island Glacier.

(the glacier is considered a good)

The glacier is considered a good

(indicator of the changes that are)

indicator of the changes that are

(taking place in the southern polar)

taking place in the southern polar

(region. even though it only covers)

region. Even though it only covers


(about 10 percent of a major)

about 10 percent of a major

(antarctic ice sheet, it drains)

Antarctic ice sheet, it drains

(about one-third of the ice sheet)

about one-third of the ice sheet

(into the ocean.)

into the ocean.

(during the eight years of the study,)

During the eight years of the study,

(the glacier thinned by 9 to 10.8)

the glacier thinned by 9 to 10.8

(meters, and the glacier’s grounding)

meters, and the glacier's grounding

(line the point where the seawater)

line the point where the seawater

(meets the ice sheet  has moved)

meets the ice sheet has moved

(inland by about five kilometers,)

inland by about five kilometers,

(indicating that significant)

indicating that significant

(shrinkage has been taking place.)

shrinkage has been taking place.

(although scientists are concerned)

Although scientists are concerned

(about the threat of a rising)

about the threat of a rising

(sea level, they don’t think)

sea level, they don’t think

(these changes willbegin to impact)

these changes willbegin to impact

(coastal areas around the world for)

coastal areas around the world for

(several decades. however the)

several decades. However the

(scientists warn that if the)

scientists warn that if the

(entire ice sheet were to melt,)

entire ice sheet were to melt,

(it would cause a global sea rise)

it would cause a global sea rise

(of 7.5 to 13.5 meters,)

of 7.5 to 13.5 meters,

(spelling disaster for cities)

spelling disaster for cities

(across the globe.)

across the globe.

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