Violet Snow

プレイ回数1002難易度(1.9) 771打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 VIOLET SNOW  EVAN CALL  作詞西田 恵美  作曲川崎 里実
※このタイピングは「VIOLET SNOW」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 キングクサシ 2855 E+ 3.1 91.0% 243.4 771 76 37 2025/02/21



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Life is a journey


Feelings of hopelessness


Loneliness, she sweeps them all away


Able… Graceful…


And always keeps her promises


Every end has a new beginning


Unexpected things will happen


There will always be a silver lining


Time heals all sorrows


Get over, no worries 'cause nothing


is more precious than love


Noble… Faithful…


She's as pure as the driven snow


Oh, dear heart… So sweet


It's her way of life


No doubt about her sincerity, uh…


A fragile beauty, one and only


She's not only gentle but brave


With honest eyes, It's true


Lost in the labyrinth


Never know what love means


She's truly


a treasure, peace of mind


No fears… No more tears…


Set the spirit free and stay alive


Oh, dear heart… So please


Time heals all sorrows


Get over, no worries 'cause nothing


is more precious than love


Noble… Faithful…


She's as pure as the driven snow


Oh, dear heart… So sweet


Ah, now and forever


Never forget her


Don't ever change and stay the same


Oh, dear heart… So sweet


Oh, dear heart… So sweet



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971