Toeic 用 単語 英英辞典 動詞

プレイ回数807順位2940位  難易度(4.4) 1072打 英語 英字




順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 それいゆ 3256 D 3.3 97.7% 321.5 1072 25 22 2025/02/22



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(English words for Toeic verb 20words)

English words for Toeic verb 20words

(word / mean)

word / mean

(expect / to think or believe that sb/sth will come or that sth will happen.)

expect / to think or believe that sb/sth will come or that sth will happen.

(offer / to ask if sb would like sth or to give sb the opportunity to have sth.)

offer / to ask if sb would like sth or to give sb the opportunity to have sth.

(apply / to ask for sth in writing.)

apply / to ask for sth in writing.

(permit / to allow sth.)

permit / to allow sth.

(review / to examine or consider again in order to decide whether changes are necessary.)

review / to examine or consider again in order to decide whether changes are necessary.

(ensure / to make sth certain to happen.)

ensure / to make sth certain to happen.

(consult / to ask sb or to look sth up in a book, etc. to get information or advice.)

consult / to ask sb or to look sth up in a book, etc. to get information or advice.

(inquire / to ask for information about sth.)

inquire / to ask for information about sth.

(require / to need.)

require / to need.

(indicate / to show or point to sth.)

indicate / to show or point to sth.

(assign / to give sth to sb for him/her to use or do.)

assign / to give sth to sb for him/her to use or do.

(appoint / to choose sb for a job, etc.)

appoint / to choose sb for a job, etc.

(comply / to obey an order or request.)

comply / to obey an order or request.

(expire / to come to the end of the time when you can use it.)

expire / to come to the end of the time when you can use it.

(inform / to give sb information (about sth))

inform / to give sb information (about sth)

(propose / to suggest sth officially as a possible plan or action.)

propose / to suggest sth officially as a possible plan or action.

(suggest / to propose a plan or idea for sb to discuss or consider.)

suggest / to propose a plan or idea for sb to discuss or consider.

(inspect / to look at sth closely or in great detail.)

inspect / to look at sth closely or in great detail.


(mention / to say or write sth about sb/sth.)

mention / to say or write sth about sb/sth.

(charge / to ask sb to pay a particular amount of money.)

charge / to ask sb to pay a particular amount of money.

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