
プレイ回数1335難易度(2.4) 369打 長文 英字
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 ks 5374 意味わからないでね 5.6 95.5% 65.5 369 17 20 2025/02/17



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(i am happy)

i am happy

(i love you)

I love you

(i got stronger because you were)

i got stronger because you were

(the moon is beautiful)

the moon is beautiful

(i want to be with you)

i want to be with you

(he is good at table tennis)

he is good at table tennis

(i will forget him)

i will forget him

(i wish you happiness)

i wish you happiness

(i want to see your smile)

i want to see your smile

(will you hate about me)

will you hate about me

(i want you to laugh all the time)

i want you to laugh all the time

(think you)

think you

(i want to know you)

i want to know you

(to cheer hard)

to cheer hard

(what do you want to pass)

what do you want to pass

(are you aware)

are you aware

(want to meet)

want to meet

(i am longing for)

i am longing for

(i want to be strong)

i want to be strong

(it is spicy)

it is spicy