
南北戦争の最中の1863年、北軍のバンド指揮者であったパトリック・ギルモアが、北軍で歌われていた酒宴の歌(Johnny Fill Up the Bowl)のメロディに新しい歌詞をつけてバンド曲に編曲したものである。元となった"Johnny Fill Up the Bowl"自体も、17世紀に英国で生まれたバラード曲に適当な替え歌をつけて歌ったもので様々なバージョンが知られているが、南軍兵を擬人化した「ジョニー」(Johnny)に対して杯を満たせと連呼する歌であり、全体として南軍側の政府・大統領・軍隊・人民などを蔑んだ内容となっていた。ギルモアの回想によると、戦場で兵士が口ずさんでいた北軍のはやり歌のメロディーが頭に残り、「ジョニー」の帰還を迎え讃える歌詞をつけたという。
when johnny comes marching home
プレイ回数184英語歌詞1580打 -
プレイ回数555短文かな257打 -
プレイ回数517短文かな161打 -
プレイ回数1027長文かな1592打 -
プレイ回数237歌詞かな1135打 -
プレイ回数58歌詞かな60秒 -
プレイ回数594歌詞かな812打 -
(When Johnny comes marching home again)
When Johnny comes marching home again
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(We'll give him a hearty welcome then)
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(The men will cheer and the boys will shout)
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
(The ladies they will all turn out)
The ladies they will all turn out
(And we'll all feel gay)
And we'll all feel gay
(When Johnny comes marching home.)
When Johnny comes marching home.
(The old church bell will peal with joy)
The old church bell will peal with joy
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(To welcome home our darling boy,)
To welcome home our darling boy,
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(The village lads and lassies say)
The village lads and lassies say
(With roses they will strew the way,)
With roses they will strew the way,
(And we'll all feel gay)
And we'll all feel gay
(When Johnny comes marching home.)
When Johnny comes marching home.
(Get ready for the Jubilee,)
Get ready for the Jubilee,
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(We'll give the hero three times three,)
We'll give the hero three times three,
(Hurrah! Hurrah!)
Hurrah! Hurrah!
(The laurel wreath is ready now)
The laurel wreath is ready now
(To place upon his loyal brow)
To place upon his loyal brow
(And we'll all feel gay)
And we'll all feel gay
(When Johnny comes marching home.)
When Johnny comes marching home.
(Let love and friendship on that day,)
Let love and friendship on that day,
(Hurrah, hurrah!)
Hurrah, hurrah!
(Their choicest pleasures then display,)
Their choicest pleasures then display,
(Hurrah, hurrah!)
Hurrah, hurrah!
(And let each one perform some part,)
And let each one perform some part,
(To fill with joy the warrior's heart,)
To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
(And we'll all feel gay)
And we'll all feel gay
(When Johnny comes marching home.)
When Johnny comes marching home.