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ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(hello my friends)

Hello my friends

(we coming together to celebrate life)

We coming together to celebrate life

(we gather as one with sun)

We gather as one with sun

(we sharing the moment because)

We sharing the moment because

(we are free  to be and show the love)

we are free To be and show the love

(we feel coming from the bottom of)

we feel Coming from the bottom of

(our hearts,yeah sharing all our)

our hearts,yeah Sharing all our

(energy,you feeling me? as you can)

energy,you feeling me? As you can

(see,its really all good,yeah to show)

see,its really all good,yeah To show

(all actions with some love stepping)

all actions with some love Stepping

(out of ourselves to rise above)

out of ourselves to rise above

(conscious creation is the game)

Conscious creation is the game

(くらやみをなげいてるよりも ここからはじまる)

暗闇を嘆いてるよりも ここから始まる

(あすへのにじかけるあめもめぐみ しあわせのねいろもとめるかわき)

明日への虹かける雨も恵み 幸せの音色求める渇き

(こうしんなりやまないこてき ひびきわたるぼれろ)

行進鳴りやまない鼓笛 響き渡るボレロ

(embracing our hands we keep walking)

Embracing our hands we keep walking

(on enjoying these feelings)

on Enjoying these feelings

(continuing so strong)

continuing so strong

(いまはまだはにおちる たったひとしずくのきぼう)

今はまだ葉に落ちる 立ったひと滴の希望

(ひとりからまたひとりへ ぼくからきみへつたわる)

ひとりからまたひとりへ 僕から君へ伝わる

(やがてちきゅうのうらがわまでつながる ぼくらのわ)

やがて地球の裏側までつながる 僕らの輪

(as you can see the end is near)

As you can see the end is near

(to say good bye and start again)

To say good bye and start again

(なにもかもうしなっても こころのたからだけはだれにもうばえない)

何もかも失っても 心の宝だけは誰にも奪えない

(the people who have suffered the)

The people who have suffered the

(most surely have the right to become)

most Surely have the right to become

(happy なにをしたいのかわからない)

happy 何をしたいのかわからない



(すきかっていきたひとたちのしわよせ ぼくらのきずはいえぬまま)

好き勝手生きた人たちのしわよせ 僕らの傷は癒えぬまま

(mahalo my friends one day real soon)

Mahalo my friends One day real soon

(we gonna see you again to share all)

we gonna see you again To share all

(of the moments that we felt on this)

of the moments that we felt On this

(crazy journey running to that one)

crazy journey running To that one

(place we’re headed love and)

place we're headed Love and

(awareness blending all our hearts)

awareness blending all our hearts

(yeah just thinking about our fate)

yeah Just thinking about our fate

(let us be the change along the way)

Let us be the change along the way

(embracing our hands we keep walking)

Embracing our hands we keep walking

(on enjoying these feelings)

on Enjoying these feelings

(continuing so strong)

continuing so strong

(いまはまだはにおちる たったひとしずくのきぼう)

今はまだ葉に落ちる たったひと滴の希望

(ひとりからまたひとりへ ぼくからきみへつたわる)

ひとりからまたひとりへ 僕から君へ伝わる

(やがてちきゅうのうらがわまでつながる ぼくらのわ)

やがて地球の裏側までつながる 僕らの輪

(embracing our hands we keep walking)

Embracing our hands we keep walking

(on enjoying these feelings)

on Enjoying these feelings

(continuing so strong)

continuing so strong

(いまはまだはにおちる たったひとしずくのきぼう)

今はまだ葉に落ちる たったひと滴の希望

(ひとりからまたひとり ぼくからきみへつたわる)

ひとりからまたひとり 僕から君へ伝わる

(やがてちきゅうのうらがわまでつながる ぼくらのわ)

やがて地球の裏側までつながる 僕らの輪



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971