Kiss Me Good-Bye

プレイ回数432難易度(3.7) 728打 歌詞 英字
楽曲情報 KISS ME GOOD-BYE  アンジェラ・アキ  作詞アンジェラ・アキ  作曲植松 伸夫
ゲーム内で使用されているタイトル曲の英語版 【英語歌詞】
 Kiss Me Good-Bye(キス ミー グッバイ)は、アンジェラ・アキの3枚目のシングル。英語歌詞は、シングルの4曲目に収録されている「Kiss Me Good-Bye -featured in FINAL FANTASY XII-」です。
※このタイピングは「KISS ME GOOD-BYE」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(You say my love is all you need to see you through)

You say my love is all you need to see you through

(But I know these words are not quite true)

But I know these words are not quite true

(Here is the path you're looking for, an open door)

Here is the path you're looking for, an open door

(Leading to worlds you long to explore)

Leading to worlds you long to explore

(Go, if you must move on alone)

Go, if you must move on alone

(I'm gonna make it on my own)

I'm gonna make it on my own

(Kiss me good-bye, love's memory)

Kiss me good-bye, love's memory

(Follow your heart and find your destiny)

Follow your heart and find your destiny

(Won't shed a tear for love's mortality)

Won't shed a tear for love's mortality

(For you put the dream in my reality)

For you put the dream in my reality

(As time goes by I know you'll see this of me)

As time goes by I know you'll see this of me

(I loved you enough to let you go free)

I loved you enough to let you go free

(Go, I will give you wings to fly)

Go, I will give you wings to fly

(Cast all your fears into the sky)

Cast all your fears into the sky

(Kiss me good-bye, love's mystery)

Kiss me good-bye, love's mystery

(All of my life I'll hold you close to me)

All of my life I'll hold you close to me

(Won't shed a tear for love's mortality)

Won't shed a tear for love's mortality

(For you put the dream in my reality)

For you put the dream in my reality

(Kiss me good-bye, love's memory)

Kiss me good-bye, love's memory

(You put the dream in my reality)

You put the dream in my reality



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JASRAC 許諾番号9014141001Y38026
NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971