
プレイ回数799難易度(4.5) 1370打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I normally shut myself in at home, but unusually for me, today I made up my mind to go out.)

I normally shut myself in at home, but unusually for me, today I made up my mind to go out.

(All to get my hands on the first-run limited edition of a popular online game that goes on sale today.)

All to get my hands on the first-run limited edition of a popular online game that goes on sale today.

("A five-hour round trip! I'm glad I was able to buy it.")

"A five-hour round trip! I'm glad I was able to buy it."

("In-store exclusives, official or not, really are playing dirty.")

"In-store exclusives, official or not, really are playing dirty."

(This sunlight is my worst enemy after three straight all-nighters.)

This sunlight is my worst enemy after three straight all-nighters.

(Time to get home and play the hell out of this.)

Time to get home and play the hell out of this.

(A girl from my high school? Look out! That track's going to-)

A girl from my high school? Look out! That track's going to-

(Why would I choose now, of all times, to do something so out of character?)

Why would I choose now, of all times, to do something so out of character?

("Satou kazuma-san. Welcome to the afterlife.")

"Satou kazuma-san. Welcome to the afterlife."

("Unfortunately, you passed away moments ago.")

"Unfortunately, you passed away moments ago."

("Your life was a short one, but you are, in fact, dead.")

"Your life was a short one, but you are, in fact, dead."

("Just one question... What about the girl I pushed out of harm's way?")

"Just one question... What about the girl I pushed out of harm's way?"

("She's alive.")

"She's alive."

("Thank goodness. That means my death wasn't in vain.")

"Thank goodness. That means my death wasn't in vain."

("Actually, she wouldn't have gotten hurt, even if you hadn't pushed her out of the way.")

"Actually, she wouldn't have gotten hurt, even if you hadn't pushed her out of the way."



("That tractor was going to stop before it hit her.")

"That tractor was going to stop before it hit her."

("Huh? Wait a second." "What is it?")

"Huh? Wait a second." "What is it?"



("Yes, it was a tractor.")

"Yes, it was a tractor."


("Huh? Then what happend? Did I die by getting plowed over by a tractor?")

"Huh? Then what happend? Did I die by getting plowed over by a tractor?"

("No, you died of shock. You mistakenly thought a track ran over you.")

"No, you died of shock. You mistakenly thought a track ran over you."

("I died of shock?!")

"I died of shock?!"

("I've been doing this for a long time, you're the first human to ever die in such a bizarre way.")

"I've been doing this for a long time, you're the first human to ever die in such a bizarre way."

(I've never even met this girl before. What's her deal?)

I've never even met this girl before. What's her deal?

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