Monsoon Night

プレイ回数203難易度(3.4) 1080打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
※このタイピングは「MONSOON NIGHT」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(t-shirt and jeans during a storm)

T-shirt and jeans during a storm

(i sing out loud, run the shore)

I sing out loud, run the shore

(just like this, oh la la la)

Just like this, oh la la la

(you can laugh at me, oh i don’t care)

You can laugh at me, oh I don't care

(thunder roars, i head back home)

Thunder roars, I head back home

(on the porch, soaked to the bone)

On the porch, soaked to the bone

(light and sounds, all around)

Light and sounds, all around

(the water dances on the floor)

The water dances on the floor

(monsoon nights are gonna)

Monsoon nights are gonna

(get you so high)

Get you so high

(falling rain won’t ever)

Falling rain won't ever

(let you down again)

Let you down again

(eyes on you, it’s time to fly high)

Eyes on you, it's time to fly high

(nobody will drag you back down again)

Nobody will drag you back down again

(monsoon nights are gonna)

Monsoon nights are gonna

(get you so high)

Get you so high

(falling rain won’t ever)

Falling rain won't ever

(let you down again)

Let you down again

(it’s your life, so you)

It's your life, so you

(gotta fly high)

Gotta fly high

(come on, say yeah)

Come on, say yeah

(the howling wind, it shakes our home)

The howling wind, it shakes our home

(oh so loud, we’re all alone)

Oh so loud, we're all alone

(it’s all about to come crashing down)

It's all about to come crashing down

(we laugh out loud, rolling)

We laugh out loud, rolling

(on the ground)

On the ground

(fish in the tank, we say hello)

Fish in the tank, we say hello

(they talk back and they let us know)

They talk back and they let us know

(you looked so down moments ago)

You looked so down moments ago

(now it looks like you’re ready to go)

Now it looks like you're ready to go

(monsoon nights are gonna)

Monsoon nights are gonna

(get you so high)

Get you so high

(falling rain won’t ever)

Falling rain won't ever

(let you down again)

Let you down again

(eyes on you, it’s time to fly high)

Eyes on you, it's time to fly high

(nobody will drag you back down again)

Nobody will drag you back down again

(monsoon nights are gonna)

Monsoon nights are gonna

(get you so high)

Get you so high

(falling rain won’t ever)

Falling rain won't ever

(let you down again)

Let you down again

(it’s your life, so you)

It's your life, so you

(gotta fly high)

Gotta fly high

(come on, say yeah)

Come on, say yeah



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NexTone 許諾番号ID000005971