
プレイ回数1135難易度(4.5) 1400打 英語 英字
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 キット 3367 駅前留学 3.6 93.3% 386.1 1400 100 19 2025/01/22
2 あ8あ8あ 2359 駅前留学 2.4 97.0% 575.6 1400 42 19 2025/01/23



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(As the world's population continues to grow, so does its need for food.)

As the world's population continues to grow, so does its need for food.

(Yet, the problem of ensuring an adequate food supply is being made even worse)

Yet, the problem of ensuring an adequate food supply is being made even worse

(by the global warming being caused by greenhouse gases,)

by the global warming being caused by greenhouse gases,

(which is resulting in destructive climatic changes on a planetary scale.)

which is resulting in destructive climatic changes on a planetary scale.

(In particular, droughts are becoming more common,)

In particular, droughts are becoming more common,

(as increasing temperatures lead to the dehydration of formerly productive agricultural areas)

as increasing temperatures lead to the dehydration of formerly productive agricultural areas

(and the increasing evaporation of water from lakes and reservoirs.)

and the increasing evaporation of water from lakes and reservoirs.

(This is disrupting the production of cereals and other staple food crops.)

This is disrupting the production of cereals and other staple food crops.

(As a result, many experts are foretelling a greater frequency of food shortages in the future)

As a result, many experts are foretelling a greater frequency of food shortages in the future

(and even now some areas are on the brink of famine.)

and even now some areas are on the brink of famine.

(In this context, a number of competing companies are trying to develop genetically modified crops)

In this context, a number of competing companies are trying to develop genetically modified crops

(that will be able to grow in more difficult environments.)

that will be able to grow in more difficult environments.

(One of these is Monsanto, the biggest crop biotechnology company in the world)

One of these is Monsanto, the biggest crop biotechnology company in the world

(which recently announced that it had created the prototype of a new drought-resistant corn,)

which recently announced that it had created the prototype of a new drought-resistant corn,

(The company claims that the corn can provide a 10 percent increase)

The company claims that the corn can provide a 10 percent increase

(in yields in areas of farmland that receive less rainfall.)

in yields in areas of farmland that receive less rainfall.

(Recently, at a farm show, the new plant and a traditional one were exhibited alongside one another.)

Recently, at a farm show, the new plant and a traditional one were exhibited alongside one another.

(Neither kind had received any rainfall for the whole summer)

Neither kind had received any rainfall for the whole summer

(and white both had withered to some extent, the new one was a little greener and a little taller.)

and white both had withered to some extent, the new one was a little greener and a little taller.



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