
プレイ回数929難易度(4.5) 714打 英語 英字



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(Don't focus on your goals. Instead, Focus on the habits that will take you to them. It's always you vs. you.)

Don't focus on your goals. Instead, Focus on the habits that will take you to them. It's always you vs. you.

(One step at a time, one area at a time.)

One step at a time, one area at a time.

(Don't let Devil win! He'll do anything to convince you that you're nothing that there's no hope.)

Don't let Devil win! He'll do anything to convince you that you're nothing that there's no hope.

(Don't believe the lie! There is redemption in the power of Jesus Christ. He's died for you. He loves you!)

Don't believe the lie! There is redemption in the power of Jesus Christ. He's died for you. He loves you!

(Strong women don't have attitudes. They have standards and boundaries.)

Strong women don't have attitudes. They have standards and boundaries.

(Be the reason why people believe in pure hearts, good vibes and kind souls. Make a joyful noise!)

Be the reason why people believe in pure hearts, good vibes and kind souls. Make a joyful noise!

(Don't live with a cup mentality. A boy with a faith didn't have a defeated mentality.)

Don't live with a cup mentality. A boy with a faith didn't have a defeated mentality.

(When you get rid of your cup, God will open the window.)

When you get rid of your cup, God will open the window.

(Don't let a limited mindset keep you from the abundant life!)

Don't let a limited mindset keep you from the abundant life!



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