英語長文。Go be a blessing

プレイ回数740難易度(4.5) 3632打 英語 英字
We're victors not victims.
This is the message of hope, encouragement and inspiration from Pastor Joel Osteen.



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(We all face challenges things, we're believing will turn around.)

We all face challenges things, we're believing will turn around.

(Sickness we're dealing with. A dream that seems impossible.)

Sickness we're dealing with. A dream that seems impossible.

(We've been praying, believing but nothing is changing.)

We've been praying, believing but nothing is changing.

(Sometimes, God won't allow you to solve own your problem.)

Sometimes, God won't allow you to solve own your problem.

(The secret is you have to help someone else solve their problem.)

The secret is you have to help someone else solve their problem.

(You have to take the focus off yourself and be good to others in your time of need.)

You have to take the focus off yourself and be good to others in your time of need.

(As you sow the seed, that's what's going to bring the harvest that you're waiting for.)

As you sow the seed, that's what's going to bring the harvest that you're waiting for.

(But you'll be tempted to think, "I can't help them. I have my own problems.)

But you'll be tempted to think, "I can't help them. I have my own problems.

(I need to spend my energy to try to fix my situation.")

I need to spend my energy to try to fix my situation."

(But if you'll take your hands off of your problem, and be good to someone else, God will put His hands)

But if you'll take your hands off of your problem, and be good to someone else, God will put His hands

(on your problem and make things happen that you couldn't make happen while you're working on their situation)

on your problem and make things happen that you couldn't make happen while you're working on their situation

(God is working on your situation. The scripture says, "When Job prayed for his friends,)

God is working on your situation. The scripture says, "When Job prayed for his friends,

(his healing quickly came. Don't you know how many times Job prayed for himself when he wasn't feeling well?)

his healing quickly came. Don't you know how many times Job prayed for himself when he wasn't feeling well?

("God, please restore health back unto me. God, please free me from this pain.)

"God, please restore health back unto me. God, please free me from this pain.

(That's good, That's releasing your faith." I'm simply saying, Don't stop there.)

That's good, That's releasing your faith." I'm simply saying, Don't stop there.

(Because there are times, your breakthrough is connected to helping someone else get their breakthrough.)

Because there are times, your breakthrough is connected to helping someone else get their breakthrough.

(Now it's time to go be a blessing. Look around. Where is a need you can meet?)

Now it's time to go be a blessing. Look around. Where is a need you can meet?

(Go pray for that neighbor that's not feeling well. When you help solve somebody else's problem,)

Go pray for that neighbor that's not feeling well. When you help solve somebody else's problem,

(God will help your problem. Sometimes, it's not going to make sense, Proverbs says:)

God will help your problem. Sometimes, it's not going to make sense, Proverbs says:

("It is possible to give away and have more" It is also possible to hold on too tight and lose everything.)

"It is possible to give away and have more" It is also possible to hold on too tight and lose everything.


(God's ways are not our ways, everything in you will say, "Stay focused on getting out of my problem.")

God's ways are not our ways, everything in you will say, "Stay focused on getting out of my problem."

("Pastor, I can't help others until this problem is solved.")

"Pastor, I can't help others until this problem is solved."

("No. Helping others is what's going to cause that problem to turn around.")

"No. Helping others is what's going to cause that problem to turn around."

(Giving your time,energy,resources that's what's going to open the windows of heaven)

Giving your time,energy,resources that's what's going to open the windows of heaven

(and cause your dream to pass. When you make sacrifices to help other people's dream come to pass,)

and cause your dream to pass. When you make sacrifices to help other people's dream come to pass,

(God will make sure your dream some to pass. Don't live only focused on yourself.)

God will make sure your dream some to pass. Don't live only focused on yourself.

(My goals, my problems, my troubles at work...Get your mind off yourself and go be a blessing.)

My goals, my problems, my troubles at work...Get your mind off yourself and go be a blessing.

(Sow a seed. It doesn't have to be finances. You can sow encouragement.)

Sow a seed. It doesn't have to be finances. You can sow encouragement.

(Go visit that loved one in the hospital, cheer them up. Call that friend and speak life into their dreams.)

Go visit that loved one in the hospital, cheer them up. Call that friend and speak life into their dreams.

(Take that elderly neighbor dinner each night. The scripture says,)

Take that elderly neighbor dinner each night. The scripture says,

("When it's in your power to do good, don't withhold it from others.")

"When it's in your power to do good, don't withhold it from others."

(That means when you know you can be a blessing, you have the resources to help that person in need,)

That means when you know you can be a blessing, you have the resources to help that person in need,

(you can teach them the skills that you've learned ; Don't put it off. When you help solve their problem,)

you can teach them the skills that you've learned ; Don't put it off. When you help solve their problem,

(you're not just being good to them, you are setting a miracle in motion for yourself. The scripture says,)

you're not just being good to them, you are setting a miracle in motion for yourself. The scripture says,

(as you show favor, favor will come to you. Here is the beauty; When you help others,)

as you show favor, favor will come to you. Here is the beauty; When you help others,

(what you give is going to come back to you but not in the same proportion.)

what you give is going to come back to you but not in the same proportion.

(When you're in a difficult time, more than ever, you need to look for opportunities to do good.)

When you're in a difficult time, more than ever, you need to look for opportunities to do good.

(When your dream seems impossible, find someone and help their dream come to pass.)

When your dream seems impossible, find someone and help their dream come to pass.

(When you give your time, your energy, your resources, your talent, you will never end up with less.)

When you give your time, your energy, your resources, your talent, you will never end up with less.

(That is a seed you're sowing. That's going to keep coming back to you.)

That is a seed you're sowing. That's going to keep coming back to you.

(When you were helping other people, you think you're doing them a favor;)

When you were helping other people, you think you're doing them a favor;

(really you're doing yourself a favor. As you help someone else shine,)

really you're doing yourself a favor. As you help someone else shine,

(God is going to make you sure that you shine. As you help others come up higher,)

God is going to make you sure that you shine. As you help others come up higher,

(God will cause you to come up higher. That's a seed you're sowing for where you're going to.)

God will cause you to come up higher. That's a seed you're sowing for where you're going to.

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