TOEFL iBTテスト 必修フレーズ:5

プレイ回数1439難易度(4.2) 611打 英語 英字
【TOEFL iBTテスト 必修フレーズ: 目次】
1. 主張を述べる
2. 主張に理由をつける
3. 反対の選択肢を否定する
4. 理由につながる事例を挙げる
5. アドバイス、予見、希望を伝える ←ココ!
6. 順序立てて伝える
7. Integrated Task 攻略フレーズ:キャンパスシチュエーション
8. Integrated Task 攻略フレーズ:アカデミック

参考例 1 (スピーキング・クリニック 1)
参考例 2 (スピーキング・クリニック 2)
参考例 3 (ライティング・クリニック 1)
参考例 4 (ライティング・クリニック 2)
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 かぶを 4784 B 5.1 92.9% 118.1 611 46 10 2025/01/26
2 デスティーノ 4085 C 4.2 97.2% 145.4 611 17 10 2025/01/25
3 るんるん 3114 E++ 3.2 96.9% 190.1 611 19 10 2025/01/19



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Given the situation, I would recommend that he live on campus.)

Given the situation, I would recommend that he live on campus.

(If I were in his position, I would talk to the professor during his office hours.)

If I were in his position, I would talk to the professor during his office hours.

(I wish I could go back and visit the museum again.)

I wish I could go back and visit the museum again.

(I hope to have more opportunities to go back to my hometown and see my family.)

I hope to have more opportunities to go back to my hometown and see my family.

(I believe this point is true especially in that situation.)

I believe this point is true especially in that situation.

(I look forward to working with new faculty members.)

I look forward to working with new faculty members.

(Taking many elective subjects this year will be good for him in the long run.)

Taking many elective subjects this year will be good for him in the long run.

(Investing in education is likely to lead to economic growth.)

Investing in education is likely to lead to economic growth.

(I feel lucky to have such a good friend.)

I feel lucky to have such a good friend.

(For the above reasons, I strongly stand by my opinion.)

For the above reasons, I strongly stand by my opinion.



タイピング練習講座 ローマ字入力表 アプリケーションの使い方 よくある質問

