
プレイ回数304難易度(4.5) 1207打 英語 英字
足袋に付いている こはぜという金具を引っ掛け糸にかけて履くのが一般的です。また着物を着る際、長襦袢や着物を身につけた後に足袋を履こうとすると、せっかくキレイに着付けた着物が着崩れすることがあります。


順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 LINK 4410 C+ 4.4 98.2% 270.5 1214 21 20 2025/02/13



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示



(Tabi are small items that serve as socks for Japanese clothing.)

Tabi are small items that serve as socks for Japanese clothing.

(Tabi are characterized by their separate fingertips)

Tabi are characterized by their separate fingertips

(so that the thong is held between the fingers when wearing zori sandals.)

so that the thong is held between the fingers when wearing zori sandals.

(It is common to wear a tabi with a metal fitting called kohaze attached to a hook.)

It is common to wear a tabi with a metal fitting called kohaze attached to a hook.

(Also, when wearing a kimono, if you try to put on tabi after wearing an undergarment or kimono,)

Also, when wearing a kimono, if you try to put on tabi after wearing an undergarment or kimono,

(the kimono that has been beautifully dressed may fall apart.)

the kimono that has been beautifully dressed may fall apart.

(Tabi were traditionally made of deer skin,)

Tabi were traditionally made of deer skin,

(but from the middle of the 17th century, they began to be made of cotton.)

but from the middle of the 17th century, they began to be made of cotton.

(Nowadays, many Japanese wear socks with split feet like tabi.)

Nowadays, many Japanese wear socks with split feet like tabi.

(Since the Meiji era, jikatabi, which do not use sandals)

Since the Meiji era, jikatabi, which do not use sandals

(and are worn directly on the ground with rubber soles, have also been made.)

and are worn directly on the ground with rubber soles, have also been made.

(Jikatabi is lightweight and flexible, which makes it easy to move around in.)

Jikatabi is lightweight and flexible, which makes it easy to move around in.

(It is made of cloth, so it does not get stuffy, and is easy to wash.)

It is made of cloth, so it does not get stuffy, and is easy to wash.

(For this reason, jikatabi are still widely used in Japan as footwear for outdoor workers)

For this reason, jikatabi are still widely used in Japan as footwear for outdoor workers

(even at the beginning of the 21st century.)

even at the beginning of the 21st century.

(These footwear are also popular with foreigners.)

These footwear are also popular with foreigners.

(It is also good for your health because it prevents bunions)

It is also good for your health because it prevents bunions

(and your toes firmly grip the ground, and is used by many athletes.)

and your toes firmly grip the ground, and is used by many athletes.

(Please try these footwear.)

Please try these footwear.



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