ielts 文法2

プレイ回数20難易度(4.5) 300秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(The population of the city was over 100000 in 2000, but decreased after the year.)

The population of the city was over 100000 in 2000, but decreased after the year.

(The crime rate in the city increased during the period.)

The crime rate in the city increased during the period.

(A motor cycle is one of the best vehicle to move in the city.)

A motor cycle is one of the best vehicle to move in the city.

(The temperature of April in Japan is about 15 degrees.)

The temperature of April in Japan is about 15 degrees.

(Memorising is the main way as a strategy of preparing for the examination.)

Memorising is the main way as a strategy of preparing for the examination.

(When it is convenient for us to got to the shop, we can help clerk in the shop.)

When it is convenient for us to got to the shop, we can help clerk in the shop.

(Drink-drive often causes car accidents.)

Drink-drive often causes car accidents.

(There are various kind of restaurants around my home, so I can choose what I want.)

There are various kind of restaurants around my home, so I can choose what I want.

(The government has developed the city for a long time.)

The government has developed the city for a long time.

(Cancer could be not treated in the past.)

Cancer could be not treated in the past.

(The united states is connected with Canada by the bridge.)

The united states is connected with Canada by the bridge.

(The population Japan decline.)

The population Japan decline.

(The city should be developed although the space is limited.)

The city should be developed although the space is limited.

(The notebook was passed to me.)

The notebook was passed to me.

(Guns carried by police officers play a crucial role in keeping safety.)

Guns carried by police officers play a crucial role in keeping safety.

(He had the pen.)

He had the pen.

(The population of the country increased.)

The population of the country increased.

(She played the piano at the place, where many people looked at her.)

She played the piano at the place, where many people looked at her.

(We lived in the town, whose population was one million.)

We lived in the town, whose population was one million.

(Many companies produce various kinds of smartphones, which we can see at stores. )

Many companies produce various kinds of smartphones, which we can see at stores.