ielts essay 2 6.5

プレイ回数13難易度(4.5) 300秒 英語 英字
discuss both views



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(These days, it is crucial for people to stay informed about world news.)

These days, it is crucial for people to stay informed about world news.

(While some consider newspapers the best source of information,)

While some consider newspapers the best source of information,

(others believe that modern media is more effective.)

others believe that modern media is more effective.

(This essay examines both views and argues that modern media is the superior option.)

This essay examines both views and argues that modern media is the superior option.

(Social media is one of the quickest and easiest ways to learn about current events.)

Social media is one of the quickest and easiest ways to learn about current events.

(News is reported on the internet almost instantly after it occurs.)

News is reported on the internet almost instantly after it occurs.

(For example, if an earthquake happens in Tokyo,)

For example, if an earthquake happens in Tokyo,

(the news can be known worldwide within minutes through platforms like YouTube.)

the news can be known worldwide within minutes through platforms like YouTube.

(Consequently, many people can receive important updates rapidly,)

Consequently, many people can receive important updates rapidly,

(which is crucial in emergencies.)

which is crucial in emergencies.

(Additionally, social media allows for real-time interaction and eyewitness updates,)

Additionally, social media allows for real-time interaction and eyewitness updates,

(providing a more comprehensive view of events as they unfold.)

providing a more comprehensive view of events as they unfold.

(On the other hand, some people prefer newspapers because they provide well-researched and detailed reports.)

On the other hand, some people prefer newspapers because they provide well-researched and detailed reports.

(For instance, a newspaper article about an earthquake will include the exact number of casualties)

For instance, a newspaper article about an earthquake will include the exact number of casualties

(and the extent of the damage, along with expert analyses and in-depth coverage.)

and the extent of the damage, along with expert analyses and in-depth coverage.

(However, newspapers have a significant drawback:)

However, newspapers have a significant drawback:

(the information is often at least a day old due to the time required for research, printing,)

the information is often at least a day old due to the time required for research, printing,

(and distribution.)

and distribution.

(Furthermore, newspapers cannot provide the immediacy and interactivity that modern media offers.)

Furthermore, newspapers cannot provide the immediacy and interactivity that modern media offers.

(In conclusion, I strongly believe that social media is the best way to learn about the news)

In conclusion, I strongly believe that social media is the best way to learn about the news


(due to its speed and accessibility compared to newspapers.)

due to its speed and accessibility compared to newspapers.

(While newspapers offer detailed and researched reports,)

While newspapers offer detailed and researched reports,

(they lack the immediacy of modern media.)

they lack the immediacy of modern media.

(If everyone uses social media for current events,)

If everyone uses social media for current events,

(they will be informed instantly, which is invaluable in today's fast-paced world.)

they will be informed instantly, which is invaluable in today's fast-paced world.

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