ielts 文法3

プレイ回数20難易度(4.5) 300秒 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Many companies produce various kinds of smartphones, which we can see at stores.)

Many companies produce various kinds of smartphones, which we can see at stores.

(The teacher told what we still have in mind.)

The teacher told what we still have in mind.

(In Japan, which is one of the most densely populated countries, many families live in the country side.)

In Japan, which is one of the most densely populated countries, many families live in the country side.

(We visited the country, where we learned many things.)

We visited the country, where we learned many things.

(The road connects the city center with the shopping center that is located in the suburbs.)

The road connects the city center with the shopping center that is located in the suburbs.

(The city has a park where there is a large lake in the center.)

The city has a park where there is a large lake in the center.

(The company, which employed many engineers, created innovative products.)

The company, which employed many engineers, created innovative products.

(My house, where I have lived for 20 years, is 10 minutes' walk from the place.)

My house, where I have lived for 20 years, is 10 minutes' walk from the place.

(Parents should control time which children spend using computers and watching TV.)

Parents should control time which children spend using computers and watching TV.

(Computers can reduce the necessity of carrying heavy textbooks, which annoy students.)

Computers can reduce the necessity of carrying heavy textbooks, which annoy students.

(Using the machines, we found some problems.)

Using the machines, we found some problems.

(The shape of the line graph is like a mountain, with its figure hitting the peak in the middle.)

The shape of the line graph is like a mountain, with its figure hitting the peak in the middle.

(Police officers should protect citizens.)

Police officers should protect citizens.

(Males and females in the organisation have a similar trend.)

Males and females in the organisation have a similar trend.

(There is some convenient equipment in the building.)

There is some convenient equipment in the building.

(We need to spend long hours on our jobs.)

We need to spend long hours on our jobs.

(The stadium was constructed in the suburbs.)

The stadium was constructed in the suburbs.

(Some staff in my company are attending the meeting.)

Some staff in my company are attending the meeting.

(The police are chasing the man.)

The police are chasing the man.

(Reading books is my hobby.)

Reading books is my hobby.