TOEIC Part4 本番形式;後半例文5題

プレイ回数5014141打 -
プレイ回数81万長文300秒 -
プレイ回数3148長文かな291打 -
プレイ回数1.5万長文かな3355打 -
プレイ回数6019151打 -
「as little as possible」の例文20個
(Toeic part4 second part 5exercises)
Toeic part4 second part 5exercises
(Attention, DDD Foods shopping: Starting April, our store will have a new policy.)
Attention, DDD Foods shopping: Starting April, our store will have a new policy.
(We will no longer offer single-use plastic bags at the checkout area.)
We will no longer offer single-use plastic bags at the checkout area.
(You're welcome to bring your own carrier bags.)
You're welcome to bring your own carrier bags.
(However, We also have cloth bags available for purchase at the checkout area.)
However, We also have cloth bags available for purchase at the checkout area.
(We've decide to offer these bags in response to the community's feedback.)
We've decide to offer these bags in response to the community's feedback.
(Award announcement. As you know, each year Our foundation recognizes practical innovations.)
Award announcement. As you know, each year Our foundation recognizes practical innovations.
(I'm pleased to present the award to a mechanical engineer, Andy.)
I'm pleased to present the award to a mechanical engineer, Andy.
(Andy has applied her engineering skills to design a low-cost system to filter sea water.)
Andy has applied her engineering skills to design a low-cost system to filter sea water.
(The design is notable because it uses materials that are readily available.)
The design is notable because it uses materials that are readily available.
(Sunday is a day you have been waiting for!)
Sunday is a day you have been waiting for!
(Chez Marine is finally re-opening after a month of extensive renovation.)
Chez Marine is finally re-opening after a month of extensive renovation.
(We have a new outdoor seating area and two private rooms.)
We have a new outdoor seating area and two private rooms.
(Most exciting of all, our chef has put all his effort into the dishes on our new and improved menu.)
Most exciting of all, our chef has put all his effort into the dishes on our new and improved menu.
(Some old favorites are still available, of course, like the Beef Stew.)
Some old favorites are still available, of course, like the Beef Stew.
(Drop in to Chez Marine this Sunday for a complementary glass of house wine.)
Drop in to Chez Marine this Sunday for a complementary glass of house wine.
(I'd like to talk about encouraging our clients to spread advertising on mobile applications.)
I'd like to talk about encouraging our clients to spread advertising on mobile applications.
(Well, which types of apps should our clients advertise on?)
Well, which types of apps should our clients advertise on?
(This graph shows that news apps are used for the most minutes each day.)
This graph shows that news apps are used for the most minutes each day.
(However, they're too expensive to advertise on.)
However, they're too expensive to advertise on.
(Considering this, the next most reputed type of app is the best choice.)
Considering this, the next most reputed type of app is the best choice.
(It's reasonable to advertise on these apps, they're used almost as much as news apps.)
It's reasonable to advertise on these apps, they're used almost as much as news apps.
(So this weekend, talk with our clients about this and see what they think.)
So this weekend, talk with our clients about this and see what they think.
(I'd like to run down some of the finding of our latest survey. It seems our rural property is popular.)
I'd like to run down some of the finding of our latest survey. It seems our rural property is popular.
(But a lot of the rooms in our urban property are unoccupied on weekend.)
But a lot of the rooms in our urban property are unoccupied on weekend.
(The construction in the vicinity was a factor last month. But, it's finished.)
The construction in the vicinity was a factor last month. But, it's finished.
(We need to get more people. We should emphasize in our promotions that it's a sotisticated location.)
We need to get more people. We should emphasize in our promotions that it's a sotisticated location.