英文 タイピング

プレイ回数2425難易度(3.5) 60秒 英語 英字
順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 yapi 4866 wonderful! 5.2 92.6% 60.0 317 25 10 2025/02/19
2 arumajir 4416 wonderful! 4.6 96.1% 60.0 276 11 9 2025/02/07
3 いぶぞう 3900 great 4.0 96.8% 60.0 242 8 6 2025/02/05
4 いぶぞう 3766 great 3.8 97.4% 60.0 232 6 8 2025/01/15
5 3400 great 3.4 99.5% 60.0 205 1 6 2025/01/23



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(I bought a pen.)

I bought a pen.

(It is sunny today.)

It is sunny today.

(He thought you were already home.)

He thought you were already home.

(The metallic sound never stops.)

The metallic sound never stops.

(Are you still saying that?)

Are you still saying that?

(I cannot believe something so wonderful exists!)

I cannot believe something so wonderful exists!

(I am still angry.)

I am still angry.

(If you were there, we would have won that game.)

If you were there, we would have won that game.

(Excuse me, okay?)

Excuse me, okay?

(I cannot get away with not knowing.)

I cannot get away with not knowing.

(If you were there, we would have won that game.)

If you were there, we would have won that game.

(Excuse me, okay?)

Excuse me, okay?

(I cannot get away with not knowing.)

I cannot get away with not knowing.

(If you do not hurry, you will not make it in time.)

If you do not hurry, you will not make it in time.

(Just study without thinking about anything.)

Just study without thinking about anything.

(It is a convenient time.)

It is a convenient time.

(I went explore.)

I went explore.

(It is kind of suspicious.)

It is kind of suspicious.

(Where do you have lunch?)

Where do you have lunch?

(I got something great.)

I got something great.


(Is not English spoken here?)

Is not English spoken here?

(I want to eat Korean food.)

I want to eat Korean food.

(Buddhism originated in India.)

Buddhism originated in India.

(My dream is to become a nurse.)

My dream is to become a nurse.

(You cannot succeed without failing.)

You cannot succeed without failing.

(Thank you for your help so far.)

Thank you for your help so far.

(No one can do everything from the beginning.)

No one can do everything from the beginning.

(He is not dead yet!)

He is not dead yet!

(I want to see a beautiful city.)

I want to see a beautiful city.

(I wish I had tried it then.)

I wish I had tried it then.

(Is not that bad no matter what?)

Is not that bad no matter what?

(Did you forget to buy anything?)

Did you forget to buy anything?

(I beg you, please get out of there!)

I beg you, please get out of there!

(It is good to have big dreams.)

It is good to have big dreams.

(He seems to be very good at soccer.)

He seems to be very good at soccer.

(I will not die. I will come back to life again and again!)

I will not die. I will come back to life again and again!

(It is better not to make excuses.)

It is better not to make excuses.

問題文を全て表示 一部のみ表示 誤字・脱字等の報告



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