Ms. Tsai inaugrate 2

プレイ回数177難易度(3.7) 1850打 英語 英字 長文モード推奨



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(A Taiwanese Community)

A Taiwanese Community

(I feel immensely grateful to stand here )

I feel immensely grateful to stand here

(once again today and take on the responsibility )

once again today and take on the responsibility

(entrusted to me by the Taiwanese people.)

entrusted to me by the Taiwanese people.

(This inauguration ceremony is unique in the history )

This inauguration ceremony is unique in the history

(of the Republic of China.)

of the Republic of China.

(What makes it special is not its size )

What makes it special is not its size

(or the number of people in attendance.)

or the number of people in attendance.

(It is special because we know )

It is special because we know

(how difficult it has been for us to get to this point.)

how difficult it has been for us to get to this point.

(I want to thank the people of Taiwan )

I want to thank the people of Taiwan

(for making such a difficult feat possible.)

for making such a difficult feat possible.

(I particularly want to thank a group of people )

I particularly want to thank a group of people

(who have not received a lot of attention )

who have not received a lot of attention

(over the past four months )

over the past four months

(in our fight against COVID-19.)

in our fight against COVID-19.

(I want to thank every single person )

I want to thank every single person

(who waited in line outside of the pharmacy )

who waited in line outside of the pharmacy

(in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak.)

in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak.

(Thank you for your patience, )

Thank you for your patience,


(and thank you for trusting the government.)

and thank you for trusting the government.

(You have shown the world )

You have shown the world

(Taiwan's commitment to civic virtues, )

Taiwan's commitment to civic virtues,

(even in times of greatest distress.)

even in times of greatest distress.

(I also want to thank everyone )

I also want to thank everyone

(who was quarantined or isolated at home, )

who was quarantined or isolated at home,

(putting up with inconvenience in your daily life )

putting up with inconvenience in your daily life

(to keep others safe and healthy.)

to keep others safe and healthy.

(Thank you for exemplifying humanity's best qualities )

Thank you for exemplifying humanity's best qualities

(and helping us successfully )

and helping us successfully

(bring the coronavirus outbreak under control.)

bring the coronavirus outbreak under control.

(This sense of pride in our country, )

This sense of pride in our country,

(this community's shared destiny, )

this community's shared destiny,

(and the memories of these past months )

and the memories of these past months

(will live on in all of our hearts.)

will live on in all of our hearts.

(This is what solidarity feels like.)

This is what solidarity feels like.

(Many ambassadors and representatives )

Many ambassadors and representatives

(from other countries are here today, )

from other countries are here today,

(and I trust that many countries around the world )

and I trust that many countries around the world

(are watching Taiwan as well.)

are watching Taiwan as well.

(I want to take this opportunity to tell you )

I want to take this opportunity to tell you

(that the country you see )

that the country you see

(is populated by kind and resilient people.)

is populated by kind and resilient people.

(No matter the difficulties we face, )

No matter the difficulties we face,

(we can always count on our democracy, )

we can always count on our democracy,

(our solidarity, )

our solidarity,

(and our sense of responsibility towards each other )

and our sense of responsibility towards each other

(to help us overcome challenges, )

to help us overcome challenges,

(weather difficult times, )

weather difficult times,

(and stand steadfast in the world.)

and stand steadfast in the world.

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