中1英語 熟語

プレイ回数66難易度(1.4) 450打 英語 英字



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(a lot of)

a lot of

(at night)

at night

(at noon)

at noon

(be excited)

be excited

(be interested in)

be interested in

(between A and B)

between A and B

(check in)

check in

(check out)

check out

(come into)

come into

(come to)

come to

(elementary school)

elementary school

(entrance ceremony)

entrance ceremony

(farewell party)

farewell party

(field trip)

field trip

(for here)

for here

(get excited)

get excited

(get up)

get up

(go back to)

go back to

(go straight)

go straight

(go to)

go to


(go to bed)

go to bed

(have a good time)

have a good time

(have a nice day)

have a nice day

(high school)

high school

(junior high school)

junior high school

(listen to)

listen to

(look at)

look at

(member of)

member of

(on the left)

on the left

(on the right)

on the right

(on the way)

on the way

(say again)

say again

(school festival)

school festival

(sit down)

sit down

(stand up)

stand up

(stay up)

stay up

(take a rest)

take a rest

(take back)

take back

(take out)

take out

(to go)

to go

(wait for)

wait for

(walk to)

walk to

(with a smile)

with a smile

(write down)

write down

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