【簡易版】Good morning Emma…

プレイ回数54難易度(1.5) 731打 歌詞 英字 長文モード可
楽曲情報 Good morning Emma Sympson  古川本舗  作詞古川本舗  作曲古川本舗
…sympson 古川本舗/英語のみ/記号・句読点・大文字なし
「Alice in wonderword」に収録されています
Madoka Uenoさん歌唱バージョンです。
視聴はこちら: https://youtu.be/cnQgJ4tWRq4?si=QflzuTY9IRO8I1yl
※このタイピングは「Good morning Emma Sympson」の歌詞の一部または全部を使用していますが、歌詞の正しさを保証するものではありません。



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The distance became a wall


It doesn't go away


Aimee once sang


life was too short for us


Aimee Mann was right


We'll turn to dust


The story of you, yeah


You and me A bond of ice


we share Unmelting


If He tells you something else


Cover your ears


'Cause the trembling air between Us


is the only truth


I'm sorry,Emma


And I'm sorry


for being a crappy friend


I wanted say, Emma


That this is for you,


but now It's time to go


A way to everywhere


Just open the pink door


It will leap


across time and space for sure


I wish that such a thing Exited


'cause then I'd get


what you were looking For once


A book about India


I'm sorry Emma


And I'm sorry


for being a crappy friend


I wonder if you knew,Emma


How happy I was that I met you


I'm sorry, Emma


And I'm sorry


for being a crappy friend


I wanted to say,Emma


That this is for you,


but now It's time to go


I'm sorry,Emma


And I'm sorry


for being a crappy friend


I wonder if you knew,Emma


How happy I was that I met you



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