
プレイ回数307難易度(4.2) 1176打 英語 英字


順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 LINK 4674 C++ 4.7 98.5% 249.2 1183 18 19 2025/01/26
2 BAR 4248 C 4.3 96.8% 269.3 1183 39 19 2025/03/03



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(Sado Island)

Sado Island

(Sado Island is an island located in the western part of Niigata Prefecture,)

Sado Island is an island located in the western part of Niigata Prefecture,

(and is the second largest island in Japan after the main island of Okinawa.)

and is the second largest island in Japan after the main island of Okinawa.

(Today, it can be reached from Honshu in one hour by jetfoil or two and a half hours by car ferry,)

Today, it can be reached from Honshu in one hour by jetfoil or two and a half hours by car ferry,

(but it used to be a penal colony on a remote island.)

but it used to be a penal colony on a remote island.

(However, when the gold mine was discovered in the Edo period,)

However, when the gold mine was discovered in the Edo period,

(it was governed as an important source of revenue for the Edo Shogunate.)

it was governed as an important source of revenue for the Edo Shogunate.

(As a remnant of that, Sado has a thriving Noh theater, and there are Nichiren statues and related temples.)

As a remnant of that, Sado has a thriving Noh theater, and there are Nichiren statues and related temples.

(You can see explanations of the penal colonies at the Museum of History)

You can see explanations of the penal colonies at the Museum of History

(and explanations in English at the historical site of Sado Gold Mine.)

and explanations in English at the historical site of Sado Gold Mine.

(Sado is also rich in nature.)

Sado is also rich in nature.

(At Toki no Mori Park, you can see and learn more about wild crested ibises.)

At Toki no Mori Park, you can see and learn more about wild crested ibises.

(You can enjoy flowers and the starry sky in the Donden Plateau,)

You can enjoy flowers and the starry sky in the Donden Plateau,

(experience tarai boats, and kayak on Lake Kamo.)

experience tarai boats, and kayak on Lake Kamo.

(You can also take a walk or relax in the hot springs.)

You can also take a walk or relax in the hot springs.

(On Sado, you can eat fish dishes, turban curry, yellowtail cutlet,)

On Sado, you can eat fish dishes, turban curry, yellowtail cutlet,

(bread with the face of an ibis, oval chocolate and dairy sweets.)

bread with the face of an ibis, oval chocolate and dairy sweets.

(An international music festival is also held in the summer.)

An international music festival is also held in the summer.

(Please enjoy your visit to Sado.)

Please enjoy your visit to Sado.



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