中1英語 現在進行形

(Emi is sitting on the bench.)
Emi is sitting on the bench.
(Hi Kota, it's Nick.)
Hi Kota, it's Nick.
(How's everything?)
How's everything?
(I'm baking a cake in the kitchen now.)
I'm baking a cake in the kitchen now.
(I'm reading a book.)
I'm reading a book.
(Jane and Bob are setting the table.)
Jane and Bob are setting the table.
(Jim is eating an apple.)
Jim is eating an apple.
(Kevin is running in the park.)
Kevin is running in the park.
(Meg is taking pictures of flowers.)
Meg is taking pictures of flowers.
(My brother is using a computer.)
My brother is using a computer.
(My mother is helping me.)
My mother is helping me.
(Nick is having a nap.)
Nick is having a nap.
(We're making a special photo album for Tina.)
We're making a special photo album for Tina.
(Are you reading a book now?)
Are you reading a book now?
(Is Haruka listening to music in his room?)
Is Haruka listening to music in his room?
(Is Mary doing her homework in the library?)
Is Mary doing her homework in the library?
(It's very pretty.)
It's very pretty.
(Let's put up the decorations.)
Let's put up the decorations.
(We're decolating the cake now.)
We're decolating the cake now.
(What are you doing?)
What are you doing?
(What is she reading?)
What is she reading?
(Where are the students cleaning?)
Where are the students cleaning?
(Did the beach look beautiful in Sydney?)
Did the beach look beautiful in Sydney?
(It looks wonderful!)
It looks wonderful!
(It was Kota's idea.)
It was Kota's idea.
(My mother looked a little tired yesterday.)
My mother looked a little tired yesterday.
(Thank you so much, Eri.)
Thank you so much, Eri.
(The restaurant doesn't look new.)
The restaurant doesn't look new.
(These glasses look cool.)
These glasses look cool.
(This is a special album.)
This is a special album.
(We all helped.)
We all helped.
(What's inside?)
What's inside?
(Your lunch box looks delicious.)
Your lunch box looks delicious.