
プレイ回数194難易度(4.5) 1187打 英語 英字


順位 名前 スコア 称号 打鍵/秒 正誤率 時間(秒) 打鍵数 ミス 問題 日付
1 LINK 5053 B+ 5.1 98.9% 233.5 1193 13 18 2025/02/07



ふりがな非表示 ふりがな表示

(Kashihara City)

Kashihara City

(Kashihara City is located in the central part of Nara Prefecture)

Kashihara City is located in the central part of Nara Prefecture

(and is the second largest city in the prefecture.)

and is the second largest city in the prefecture.

(Kashihara City is the site of Fujiwara-kyo in the early 8th century, and there are ruins and a museum.)

Kashihara City is the site of Fujiwara-kyo in the early 8th century, and there are ruins and a museum.

(There is also Kashihara Shrine, which enshrines the first emperor.)

There is also Kashihara Shrine, which enshrines the first emperor.

(Also, the Yamato Sanzan, low mountains famous for waka poetry, are good for hiking trails.)

Also, the Yamato Sanzan, low mountains famous for waka poetry, are good for hiking trails.

(You can also take pictures at Ofusa Kannon, a temple famous for its roses and wind chimes,)

You can also take pictures at Ofusa Kannon, a temple famous for its roses and wind chimes,

(and enjoy ancient rice lunch and craft cola in Imaicho, a place lined with old buildings.)

and enjoy ancient rice lunch and craft cola in Imaicho, a place lined with old buildings.

(There are many places to see around Kashihara City.)

There are many places to see around Kashihara City.

(You can enjoy goldfish and courtesan experience in Yamatokoriyama City.)

You can enjoy goldfish and courtesan experience in Yamatokoriyama City.

(Sakurai City is famous for its ancient burial mound said to be Himiko's tomb,)

Sakurai City is famous for its ancient burial mound said to be Himiko's tomb,

(Otorii gate, and somen noodles.)

Otorii gate, and somen noodles.

(Takatori Town is known for the mountain casle,)

Takatori Town is known for the mountain casle,

(and Gose City is known as the shrine of Emperor Jimmu and the village of human rights.)

and Gose City is known as the shrine of Emperor Jimmu and the village of human rights.

(Asuka Village was the political place in front of Fujiwara-kyo,)

Asuka Village was the political place in front of Fujiwara-kyo,

(and there are famous burial mounds such as Ishibutai Kofun, Kameishi, and temples.)

and there are famous burial mounds such as Ishibutai Kofun, Kameishi, and temples.

(In spring, cherry blossoms are beautiful around Mt. Yoshino and around Kashihara city.)

In spring, cherry blossoms are beautiful around Mt. Yoshino and around Kashihara city.

(Please come to Kashihara City.)

Please come to Kashihara City.



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